Emily Arteaga-Garcia

UI/UX Design

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One-Armed Cooking app

Providing hands-free recipe assistance during cooking and condensing web recipes into more accessible formats. Helps plan grocery shopping/delivery based on a week's meal plan. Assists users in cooking techniques and adaptations for cooking with one arm.

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Split Chores Easy

The user will create the account, add themselves to a household, create new chores, and rank their difficulty. Then, the user will have the app configured and will see their progress during chores compared to their roommates.

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New Scheduler for OSU

Prioritizing user experience (UX) and intuitive UI design, our upgrade ensures a smoother, friendlier scheduling process, simplifying class selection for all users.

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Emily's chatbot

React Chatbot

This chatbot was developed as part of an interview challenge, focusing on assisting users in organizing corporate events.
I found the coding process quite satisfying, prompting me to share this project with you.

The chatbot was built using React and Chatbot-kit and comprises five key components:

BotAvatar: This feature allows you to customize the avatar's appearance and name.

Buttons: Designed to provide users with convenient suggestions displayed on the left side of the page.

Date: A user-friendly calendar interface that simplifies the process of selecting event dates.

Goals: This component suggests event goals, offering valuable insights for event planning.

Plans: Similar to Goals, this section includes images of various event plans to facilitate decision-making.

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